Erasmus+ projekts turpinās! Darba process mūs tik aizrāva, ka diena pagāja nemanāmi, un mēs ar lielu prieku un gandarījumu aprobējām Lietuvas komandas piedāvātas AR/VR aplikācijas. Neskatoties uz noslogoto dienu, tika organizēta vizīte uz Pieaugušo un Jauniešu centru ar mērķi iepazīties ar 3D klasi. Tuvojoties vakaram, mēs izrunājām projekta aktualitātes un izklastījām savus viedokļus par padarīto darbu.
The Erasmus+ project continues! We were so fascinated by the work process that the day passed quickly. We tested AR/VR applications offered by the Lithuanian team with great joy and satisfaction. Despite the busy day, a scheduled visit to the Adult and Youth Center was organized with the aim of getting to know the 3D class. As the evening approached, we talked about the actualities of the project and shared our opinions about the work done.